EU HE - TRUMPET TRUstworthy Multi-site Privacy Enhancing Technologies



Horizon Europe

Call for proposal


Funding scheme



9 participants

Start date

1st october 2022


36 months

To address federated learning privacy vulnerabilities, the EU-funded TRUMPET project will conduct research to identify them and develop novel privacy enhancement technologies that will contribute to their mitigation.

The project also aims to create a scalable federated AI service platform that will improve overall data privacy and enable researchers to run AI-powered studies on European data sets with improved privacy. To demonstrate the security of the new method, experts and third-party organisations will be engaged to test and improve the platform in two eHealth federated learning use cases.



News: Al via TRUMPET, studio europeo di federated learning che mira allo sviluppo di un nuovo modello di tutela della privacy

Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori "Dino Amadori" - IRST S.r.l.
Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico
Sede legale: Via Piero Maroncelli, 40 - 47014 Meldola (FC)
Tel. 0543 739100 - Fax 0543 739123
e-mail: PEC:

Capitale Sociale interamente versato Euro 20.000.000,00 - R.E.A. 288572 (FC)
Reg. Imprese FC / Cod. Fisc. / Partita IVA 03154520401
Codice di Interscambio: L0U7KO4

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