PNRR - PerfeTTO Technology Transfer Office Network in Life Science



National plan for complementary investments to the national recovery and resilience plan

Call for proposal


Funding scheme

National plan for complementary investments to the national recovery and resilience plan nextgeneu en





Start date

1st April 2023


48 months

The project aims to create a network of TTOs in the Life Science in order to enhance and spread the culture of technology transfer. Maximize spoke participation in project activities by avoiding diseconomies and increasing system efficiency.The project will use the leverage of co-funding to multiply available resources and broaden project impact.

We aim to define sustainable actions from a long-term perspective, providing innovative service to benefit the public and private system such as:

• Education and training to spread the culture of the technology transfer knowledge

• Creating a virtual platform to support the network with business intelligence, marketplace and data collection functions

• Harmonizing administrative and legal procedures • Implementation of business matching/matchmaking activities

• Implementation of a TT acceleration program through mentorship/advisory services to support the most promising technologies

• Building a network that generates added-value services

Web Site:

Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori "Dino Amadori" - IRST S.r.l.
Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico
Sede legale: Via Piero Maroncelli, 40 - 47014 Meldola (FC)
Tel. 0543 739100 - Fax 0543 739123
e-mail: PEC:

Capitale Sociale interamente versato Euro 20.000.000,00 - R.E.A. 288572 (FC)
Reg. Imprese FC / Cod. Fisc. / Partita IVA 03154520401
Codice di Interscambio: L0U7KO4

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