IRST Dino Amadori IRCCS

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The organisational model adopted by IRST puts the patient “at the centre” and favours an organisation based on care pathways and not on patient wards. Within the Department of Oncology and Clinical and Experimental Haematology, physicians are divided into Pathology Groups, operating units dedicated to a specific set of diseases. The Pathology Groups, in which several professional figures (physicians, biologists, pharmacists, nurses, data managers) collaborate, define the diagnostic-therapeutic pathways, guarantee optimal patient management, promote the coherence, continuity and coordination of the entire care process, and increase the degree of patient involvement and satisfaction.

Professionals make flexible use of services and facilities, such as Ordinary Hospitalisation, Day Service and Outpatient Clinics, Instrumental Diagnostics, use of the Bioscience Laboratory, and research platforms. In addition, IRST and AUSL Romagna specialists oversee that multidisciplinary pathways are in place to manage and give continuity of care. For the patient, this means a global pathway encompassing diagnosis and treatment and complies with national and international guidelines.

In 2021, the reorganisation of the Immunotherapy, Rare Tumours and Osteo-oncology Centre and the Urogenital and Breast Pathology Groups led to the establishment of two new Complex Structures, the SC Clinical and Experimental Oncology Immunotherapy and Rare Tumours (and Biological Resource Centre) and the SC Clinical and Experimental Oncology Innovative Therapies and High Doses.

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